Saturday, January 17, 2009

Information System

Lecturer: wat is USB?
Class: Universal sumthing sumthing.....
Lecturer: its known as Universal Serial Bus.... or u can also call it Untuk Semua Barang...

He was explaining about teachnology evolving and stuff like dat....

i rmb last time when my nephew's bday....
he asked me for a mp3 player....
i wrap a walkman and hid the mp3 player instead...
here is wat happened....

Nephew: *opens the present enthusiathically* *froze* err.... what is this?
Lecturer: *acts dumb* its a mp3 player
(his nephew is 10 years old)
Lecturer: *puts in cassette and batteries... on the music*
Nephew: erm.... interesting.... so... how many songs can i put?
Lecturer: around 12
Nephew: wat if i wanna add songs?
Lecturer: *hands him another cassette*
Nephew: so... cassette can insert 12 songs.... so wat if i wanna put in 100 songs? (O_O)

Lecturer: im surprised on how my nephew never seen a walkman b4....

Friday, January 16, 2009

Intro to Management Accounting~

This lecturer is the same one who taught us FA2 last semester.... the malay lecturer XD

i see malays wear baju kurung, indian wear sari... but i never ever seen a chinese wear cheongsam

Most of u are kuda right? (he's talking about zodiacs)...
Well... im tiger /gg
which of u are kuda?? raise up ur hand
*most of us raised up our hands*
then.... which of u r tigers??
*one person raise up*
(then he noticed a group of guyz din raise up their hands)
then wat r u guyz???

That group of boyz : HUMANS

The lecturer grab the newspaper (The Sun) and started reading out the zodiac : Horse

"This is a year of change for the Horse"
(he was refering to the cheongsam <_<)

"while ur career may progress quite smoothly..."
of coz la... im teaching u all

"the chances for romance are not too good..."
*turns to a few boyz sitting near him*
GUYZ!! dun tackle girls...

"u need to strike a balance between work and play to keep ur other half happy."
*squint his eyes and frowns*
(his expression so funny~!!!)

"avoid starting a new business or changing jobs"

"if it must be done. do it towards the second half of the year..."
*write CNY date on board and draw a line to count the second half of the year*
26/1 is ur CNY, so according to the last accounting period
*count count count*
Change about in july O_O

"u need to pay special attention to ur health as minor health troubles...... "
pay attention to ur healths... like headache, fever.... HIV, cancer

Business Law Lecturer

Lecturer :
One of my student asked me b4, "Sir, why din u practice law??"
i say tat...
If i practice law, then my boss will scold me, my client will scold me if i lose a case...
so i came here to scold u all instead...
better scold other ppl than being the one getting it...