Friday, October 17, 2008


our college have evaluations on lecturer and the college every semester....
They let us fill up some survey form on the performance of the lecturer

Yesterday it was FA2's turn...

College Staff: Erm... Time for evaluation...
*Lecturer heading out of the class*
Lecturer: remember... ur coursework's still in my hands....

O______O;;; *holy shit*


That day, a fren of mine ask me whether i wan some sweets or not...
5a11 frenz!!! do u remember this sweet??? I miss form 5 SOOOO MUCH >.<

Friday, October 3, 2008


Linz came to stay overnight XDXD
She even taught me how to bake brownies and blueberry cheesecake

Batter In the Pan

Leftover melted CHOC

My Hand O_O



YUM YUM~!!!!

FRESH FROM OVEN (and a bit hangus >.<)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Intro to Finance

Our lecturer is talking bout bad debts....

"During my younger days I worked for a construction company as an accountant, let's just not talk about my age, i have this very smart superior. I'm in charge of collecting bad debts from the customers. There was this guy which is very stubborn, he owes the company RM3k++.During my time, 3k is a LOT of money compared to now. So i told my superior about him and he says 'Okay, I will take care of it'.

I didnt take much time to think of what he will do. So i ignored it. Then, there's one day when I'm trying to head back, my superior asked me to stay back. So I did.Then i saw 5 guys entering the office of my superior. They look like gangsters. Then I saw the stubborn customer which i mention earlier enter his office and he doesnt know about the gangsters inside. I was called into the office to be a witness. A WITNESS!! EYES!! to make sure that they didnt kill him.

The customer was sitting on the chair with the gangsters surrounding him. He had his hand on the table while one of the gangster poking the pen on the table near his hand (HARD) while another gangster holds a knife onto his neck. Surprisingly, the customer pays up his debts. And later i asked my superior, 'Can I go HOME now? Plz?'Now, THIS is an experience you dun see everyday. It was fun to see new things. That's why i alwiz think that working is better than studying."

Our lecturer was talking bout Accounts Payable Management....

"The supplier assess the credit worthiness by the 6Cs. I'm not talking bout the 4Cs gurls. Not the Credit cards, Cash, Condo and Career. Or i heard that thers Bs now, BMW, Bungalow and... BACHELOR"

Asking a Question...

Lecturer: How do you find the total purchases? Under where?
Class: *whispers whispers*
Lecturer: Har?? What?? No underwear???