Sunday, October 18, 2009

Most Treasured Memory!!

Had so much fun 2day....
Never celebrated my bday wif frenz b4...
Eventhough its a simple meal with two of my closest fren...
Eat at secret recipe, drink coffee at starbucks...
Juz the 3 of us...
Making lots of noise...
Simple but fun....
Laugh so much that i think my jaw is tired haha

Thx for the cake Linz~!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Last day of The holiday....

after having a week of break, eventually no one wants it to end...

Tues - Gathering wif SF ppl at Sunway Pyramid
Wed - Work
Thurs - Gathering with college frenz at Sunway Pyra (AGAIN)
Fri - Fren stayed over
Sat - Morning - work

Instead of having some peaceful quiet day, I ended up 'babysitting' two kids from next door.

Those are real true monkeys (as i like to refer them as).
Not to add to the fact that they rather climb over the wall to reach my house instead of entering through the gate.
They came for so many hours that I couldn't leave them unattended if i wish to preserve my home from total destruction.

How can they cause so much trouble?
Well, to start off, they only came over to play nintendo wii and ps2.
  1. I ended up keep switching between wii and ps2 for them as they changes games.
  2. They simply places the rubbish (such as vitagen bottles, sweet wrappers, choc wrapper) onto the floor or the sofa. Leaving a mess behind. I had to switch off the tv to threaten them to clean up before allowing them to continue playing
  3. Keep leaving my room's door open no matter how many times i ask them to close it. I said, "You're letting the air cond out and the mosquitoz in!!"
  4. And when I'm trying to read in my room, I can't let them unsupervised coz the ended up taking apart my living room, jumping up and down and nearly knocking off the table. Their sister even said, "I can even hear u guyz from next door"

I'm so tired from these ordeal

Must be getting old, can't catch up with such active kids LOL!!

But I still enjoy them coming over....

They make me laugh so hard at their antics... Truly funny indeed!!

Just dun come over too often. Dun think my poor heart and mind can handle it well <_<

Sunday, July 12, 2009


i baked cookies 2day!!
1st time making them....
its chocolate chip (and nuts) cookies ^^v

though it doesnt realli end up nice....
it turned black =_____=;;


actually i wanna take pic of it...
its not nice at all... why take pic of it D:

but at least the 2nd batch wasnt ALL burnt to coal-like
(i tasted the 1st batch of cookies which is 'overcooked' and it taste like licking the external base of a used claypot)

and the 3rd batch is a success!!
(success as in 'tidak hangus' and that doesnt mean its perfect lol)
doesnt really taste GREAT... but at least okok la xD

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Reunion for 5a11 2007

Well, not much to say....
Get on with the pics xD

as childish as i can be....

Went to the bakery shop with my mom ytd....
well, to buy tarts for my grandma...
sumhow the bakery shop produce a LOT of yummy looking cakes ytd!!
they look so nice (i wan take pic but paiseh la lol)

then i spot one of the cakes

its a Pikachu (Cartoon cake)!!!!!!!!!!

I know, i know... childish right?

The moment i saw it

Mom: Then buy la
Me: O_O err.... i was juz kidding
Mom: *looks at me with a look saying "do i look like im kidding?"*

So we bought it LOL

Friday, March 13, 2009

Another class of intro to mngment acc....

well... the lecturer hafnt been giving us any assignment for 2 weeks...
his excuse was "sumone brought me a lollipop, so no hw for this week"
The 2nd was "i am being nice...."

this week
Lecturer: Class... Homework...


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


went out to get spm cert at SMKSS 2day (wed 4th march)
I went wif andy, wai sum, zl and jan xD
met Theng, ai hwa, kumana and joo han in school @@
i miss 5a11 sooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhh

of coz we did some kacau-ing work around the school xD
disturbing teachers~!!!

after fetching zl home, we went to apiit @@
we saw jebson and clement!!!
though unexpected, its fun xD

and the shyttiest prob is tat andy's frenz say i look like form 2...

Monday, February 23, 2009


Tat day i went for roller blade-ing, i met a girl ther....
we play together cuz both of us also dunno how to play ma....
Then when she ask me wher i study

Me: Segi College KL
Me: yea... @@
Girl: How old r u??
Me: 18 lor... u?
Girl: 15!! i tot u same age AS ME~!!!


My neighbour's kid...
she tot im form 2

Whazzup wif these ppl and their assumptions?
Stop judging me by my height

Friday, February 13, 2009

Pre-Valentine's Day~

Juz arrive home from class....
My mom was driving when we saw the neighbour's kid...
He's still in primary school...

Mom: *scrolls down the window* hello...

(conversation which is not relli important)

Boy: 2molo got school....
Mom: 2molo valentine's day wor
Me: gud la, can go school get presents from girl /gg
Boy: no la... wat bout u? u got bf?
Me: *lies* GOT (LOL!!)
Mom: *cuts in* I ALSO GOT BF
Boy: (=.=) uncle....

HIS FACE REALLY TURN >> (=.=) when he says tat xD

Roller Blade...

went out to Times Square wif my NS frenz on monday....
we went over to Sg Wang for roller blade...

ya know i dun relli like these kind of sports....
scared the hell outta me when they suddenly announce their plan...

one of the gurls keep walking wif a hand over my shoulder
so tat im not running away, getting lost or MIA (mission in action)

turns out tat...

though the falling part isnt <_<
my butt hurts...

i cant wait to go ther again next time xDxD

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Information System

Lecturer: wat is USB?
Class: Universal sumthing sumthing.....
Lecturer: its known as Universal Serial Bus.... or u can also call it Untuk Semua Barang...

He was explaining about teachnology evolving and stuff like dat....

i rmb last time when my nephew's bday....
he asked me for a mp3 player....
i wrap a walkman and hid the mp3 player instead...
here is wat happened....

Nephew: *opens the present enthusiathically* *froze* err.... what is this?
Lecturer: *acts dumb* its a mp3 player
(his nephew is 10 years old)
Lecturer: *puts in cassette and batteries... on the music*
Nephew: erm.... interesting.... so... how many songs can i put?
Lecturer: around 12
Nephew: wat if i wanna add songs?
Lecturer: *hands him another cassette*
Nephew: so... cassette can insert 12 songs.... so wat if i wanna put in 100 songs? (O_O)

Lecturer: im surprised on how my nephew never seen a walkman b4....

Friday, January 16, 2009

Intro to Management Accounting~

This lecturer is the same one who taught us FA2 last semester.... the malay lecturer XD

i see malays wear baju kurung, indian wear sari... but i never ever seen a chinese wear cheongsam

Most of u are kuda right? (he's talking about zodiacs)...
Well... im tiger /gg
which of u are kuda?? raise up ur hand
*most of us raised up our hands*
then.... which of u r tigers??
*one person raise up*
(then he noticed a group of guyz din raise up their hands)
then wat r u guyz???

That group of boyz : HUMANS

The lecturer grab the newspaper (The Sun) and started reading out the zodiac : Horse

"This is a year of change for the Horse"
(he was refering to the cheongsam <_<)

"while ur career may progress quite smoothly..."
of coz la... im teaching u all

"the chances for romance are not too good..."
*turns to a few boyz sitting near him*
GUYZ!! dun tackle girls...

"u need to strike a balance between work and play to keep ur other half happy."
*squint his eyes and frowns*
(his expression so funny~!!!)

"avoid starting a new business or changing jobs"

"if it must be done. do it towards the second half of the year..."
*write CNY date on board and draw a line to count the second half of the year*
26/1 is ur CNY, so according to the last accounting period
*count count count*
Change about in july O_O

"u need to pay special attention to ur health as minor health troubles...... "
pay attention to ur healths... like headache, fever.... HIV, cancer

Business Law Lecturer

Lecturer :
One of my student asked me b4, "Sir, why din u practice law??"
i say tat...
If i practice law, then my boss will scold me, my client will scold me if i lose a case...
so i came here to scold u all instead...
better scold other ppl than being the one getting it...